A very warm welcome to my share of internet!!!

I am an engineer by profession who loves coding and Data Science Research. You can usually find me next to a book or holding a guitar trying to play some music (usually it does sounds like music) or just staring at the night sky, in bewilderment to what lies beyond.

Like most of the Indians I consider cricket as a worship under the sun (on rainy days I find myself playing chess). I don't miss a single cricket match and spend time analyzing and discussing it.

I am fascinated by stories so by history, I like to dive deep into historical texts, monuments, artefacts, etc. I take pride in the history and try to decipher how life and culture evolved of our country, making it such diverse and rich.

Since last couple of years, I’ve been in the machine learning and deep learning domain. I’ve explored a great deal of learning models and a lot of computational mathematics. After exploring these fundamentals behind AI and it’s sub-disciplines, I figured there’s a need for some external source of information to solve out this mystery of mathematics and learning. Thus, I continue to research to elucidate the nebulous of jargon existing in the field of Machine Learning.

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